
Here's The Shit So Far

Hello there readers. It's been a long time since i wrote something personal about my self it seems, i've been trying to avoid the self centered indonesian blogger stereotype lately. Avoiding personal rants, advice giving, discussing social topics with no depth, and the likes of those. You know, self loving blogger types, I try to avoid that. So for those just tuning in, here's me so far.

I've spent two months in this dreaded tourist hell hole they call a paradise. I'd like think this place as a cheap alternative to those who lacks the funds to travel to other tourist planned paradise such as Hawaii or Bangkok. This place has been brushing me off the wrong way lots of times. I've never understood the whole paradise aspect of this island they call Bali anyway.
I've been working in a moderate quality tourist trap italian restaurant. In a month, I was promoted to the grill. I was handling the restaurants most expensive dishes, can you imagine the other people on the staff if a 16 year old can have a promotion to a position that high in such a short while? Yeah.. Idiots. During my stay here, i've been running into all sorts of characters that I could add to my big book of stereotypes. From clueless backpackers, sold-out locals, village girl turned pornstar look-alike expat wives, yeah you name it they have it in bali.
Hold on though, not everyone here is a tool. Occasionally you have these people who somehow made a good name for bali, some are pretty hard to get along with, but hey genius is on par with insanity.
So Bali is a hell hole, although some people make it worth while. On the other hand the abundant amount and legality of magic mushrooms make it a pretty awesome place to live too.
The local moonshine is a doozy and a fun experience for a weekend also. Some places in this place somehow still upholds the integrity of the whole Bali experience, while other places has been ribbed for Australian pleasure. The surfer population has made street culture a big thing here. While the local balinese people only comprehend the skater street culture as listening to Blink 182 and dressing up as a TV star from the 90's, further up the cool scale some people has been doing it right with high quality local brands and actually skating.
While this roller coaster of culture setbacks has been amusing for me, it seems like i might be having a 1-2 month retreat back to the big city for a little soul searching. I found that the whole restaurant business doesn't go well with my personality. All the while combined with the high factor of chilling out this island brings. I might have to re-think my options of actually staying here.

So yeah you people in Jakarta, hope you miss me enough to accept me back there.