

I never really took to losing people very well, living or dead. My close uncle passed away recently, and it bothers me that i haven't written anything about it. See eventhough i just made an oath to keep posting regularly, i actually meant i would post on various important events and at times where i would just lie in bed with too much on my mind... or when i'm drunk and i'm in access of a computer. So i would like to dedicate this rant to my late great uncle Igor.
When someone dies, i could never feel sorrow or sadness for those around them nor i do to the deceased. I feel grief, due to an ending of another human life. The same grief i feel after finishing a book, amplified to one hundred times more. I guess my uncle had a lot going for him, it's such a shame he went so soon. But i believe peace is upon him, which is better than anything in this mortal world. I won't say the usual eulogy routine about going on and on about falsified greatness and hypocrisy. But i will say nothing but the truth when i say :

He lived his life more than any man i knew could live

R.I.P Om Igor. Peace be upon your soul.