
Instructions to be "Urban-Cultured"

Various traits you must follow
  • Own a piece of classic furniture (preferred era: 1950's)
  • Indulge yourself in streetwear of any age
  • Use Black. White. or Black and White as everything for your color palette (throw in a little unfurnished wood to make it more raw)
  • Consider yourself to be Bohemian even with your expensive consuming habit
  • Proud yourself in knowledge of obscure musics and other art mediums
  • Deny your previous scenes and act like you have a kindred spirit to a 60 year old San Fransisco native
  • Make believe that because you hold a D-SLR camera you are a pro photographer
Following this instruction may or may not fool people to believe you are cultured, all instances of this blog are not responsible of failure upon usage. results may very